Permen Susu Kuda Sumbawa dengan Ekstrak Daun Bidara (Ziziphus mauritiana L.) Sebagai Inovasi Produk Khas Sumbawa_Zulfa Sakinah


  • Chairul Anam Afgani Sumbawa University of Technology
  • Zulfa Sakinah1


Sumbawa is one of the islands in West Nusa Tenggara Province (NTB) which has long been known as a livestock warehouse. Sumbawa horse milk has many benefits, but is less desirable. Gummies are foods that are favored by various ages because they have interesting colors, aromas, and textures. In this study, Sumbawa horse milk was used as the main raw material for making gummies. In order to improve the quality of the Sumbawa horse milk gummies produced, bidara leaf extract (Ziziphus maurutiana L.) was also added. The experimental design used was a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with variations of bidara leaf extract EB1 (0%), EB2 (1%), EB 3 (2%), and EB4 (3%). The purpose of this study was to determine the chemical characteristics (ash content and moisture content) and organoleptic by scoring and hedonics of Sumbawa horse milk gummies with the addition of bidara leaf extract. The parameters tested in this study include chemical (moisture content and ash content) and organoleptic (color, texture, aroma, taste, and overalls) qualities. The addition of bidara leaf extract to gummies showed a significant effect (p<0.05) on water content, ash content, organoleptic texture and taste. In organoleptics, color and aroma show an intangible influence (p < 0.05).




How to Cite

Afgani, C. A., & Sakinah1 , Z. (2023). Permen Susu Kuda Sumbawa dengan Ekstrak Daun Bidara (Ziziphus mauritiana L.) Sebagai Inovasi Produk Khas Sumbawa_Zulfa Sakinah. Proceeding Of Student Conference, 1(3), 73–84. Retrieved from