Management, Development, Civil Service Police UnitAbstract
In this thesis, the researcher discusses the Management and Development of Employee Performance
Capabilities of the Bima City Pamong Praja Police Unit. Performance on the issue of the role and function of
the Pamong Praja Police Unit is more focused on the management and development of employee
capabilities. This research uses qualitative research techniques based on information from related parties
combined with supporting basic theories. Primary data is the result of an interview with the Head of
Operations of Peace and Order of the Bima City Pamong Praja Police Unit. To obtain data and information,
interview guidelines and field notes were used. The data obtained is then analyzed to obtain data that is
truly relevant to the research objectives. The focus of the research is related to the management and
development of employee capabilities of the Pamong Praja Police Unit. In addition, it is also to find out the
obstacles faced in solving public order problems. The results showed that: In managing and developing the
ability of employees of the Bima City Pamong Praja Police Unit, it has carried out activities: (1) Developing
annual strategic plan; (2) Developing Human Resources Capability; (3) Measuring Employee Performance
Achievement; (4) Improving Organizational Capability; (5) Establishing Communication Openness; (6)
Utilizing Information Technology; (7) Establishing Violation Countermeasure System; (8) Building Sectoral
Relationships. The efforts that have been made by the Bima City Pamong Praja Police Unit have a positive
impact on individuals and organizations of the Bima City Pamong Praja Police Unit. As for the organization,
the methods of management and organizational development that have been implemented so far have
given a positive image to the community about the performance of the Bima City Pamong Praja Police Unit.