
  • Egar Candra Ferangga Reda Universitas Teknologi Sumbawa
  • Muhammad Saleh Universitas Teknologi Sumbawa
  • Sabri Balafif Universitas Teknologi Sumbawa


Waste Management System, Tourism Villages and Impact


The problem of waste management is a common problem in a village. One of the
villages in East Lombok Regency which is experiencing waste problems and has not
optimally managed waste is Lenek Pesiraman Village, Lenek District, East Lombok
Regency and is one of the Tourism Village areas in West Nusa Tenggara. The
development of the Lenek Pesiraman tourism village is currently still in the early
stages of development. One of the fundamental aspects that need to be prepared to
realize the success of the development of a tourist village is the existence of a
conducive environment and atmosphere.
This study uses qualitative research and an interpretive paradigm. Qualitative
research method is a research method that emphasizes analysis or descriptive. And
highlight matters that are subject perspectives and utilize the theoretical basis as a
guide for researchers so that research is in accordance with the facts found in the
field. The reason for the researchers taking this research method is because the researchers are trying to dig up as much information as possible about the existing
waste management system in Lenek Pesiraman Tourism Village.
The results of this study indicate that how is the waste management system
in the Lenek Pesiraman Tourism Village and its impact on public health so that it can
attract the interest of visitors to travel to the Lenek Pesiraman Tourism Village. The
waste management system in the tourism village of Lenec Pesiraman starts with the
establishment of management institutions, operational techniques, financing, waste
management and community participation.
From the results of this study it can be concluded that there is a waste
management system in Wista Lenek Pesiraman Village, namely the establishment of
management institutions, operational techniques, financing, waste processing and
community participation. So that it will have an impact on the environment so that it
affects public health. 



How to Cite

Ferangga Reda, E. C., Saleh, M., & Balafif, S. (2023). SISTEM PENGELOLAAN SAMPAH PADA DESA WISATA LENEK PESIRAMAN . National Conferences Management Inovation, 6(002, August), 704–712. Retrieved from



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