Implementasi Program, Pengelolaan Air Limbah DomestikAbstract
Research on the implementation of domestic wastewater management policies in
West Sumbawa Regency aims to determine the extent to which the successful
implementation of domestic wastewater management policies can be seen from the
supporting factors and inhibiting factors.. This policy was made with the aim of
increasing the number of people to be able to access proper sanitation and practice
clean and healthy living behaviors. The research method used is descriptive method
with a qualitative approach. The subjects of this research are the parties involved in
the implementation of domestic wastewater management policies, namely
Department of Public Works and Spatial Planning, Bappeda, Public Health Office,
UPTD PALD, Non-Governmental Organizations and communities utilizing
wastewater infrastructure. The instrument in this study is the researcher himself,
which is based on the indicators of the theory of policy implementation according to
the George Edwards III model. The indicators consist of 1. Communication, 2.
Resources, 3. Disposition (Attitude of Implementers) and 4. Bureaucratic Structure.
The data analysis technique used in this study is an interactive analysis technique
according to Miles and Huberman. The result of this research is that in its
implementation it runs quite well. Limited human resources and lack of community
involvement in domestic wastewater management programs. Researchers provide
suggestions so that the performance of the implementers can always be improved
by evaluating and socializing the understanding of the Domestic Wastewater
Management program