Narrative Ability, Mathematics Learning Outcomes, Project Based LearningAbstract
This research was motivated by the low level of attention and activity of students in the mathematics learning process. However, some students had high mathematics scores, because they had good narrative writing skills. The aim of this research is to analyze the relationship and level of relationship between narrative abilities and mathematics learning outcomes of SMAN 3 Sumbawa Besar students through the Project Based Learning learning model. The research method used was quantitative research with an associative approach to determine the relationship between narrative ability variables, mathematics learning outcome variables with linearity test analysis techniques and correlation tests. Based on the results of the analysis using the SPSS 22 application, linearity test results were obtained with a sig value. deviation from linearity> 0.05, namely 0.720, so there is a linear relationship between narrative ability and mathematics learning outcomes and the correlation test with arithmetic significance (2-tailed) of 0.000, less than the table significance of 0.05. Thus, H1 is accepted and H0 is rejected, with a calculated r value of 0.845 which is greater than the r table of 0.05, which means there is a very strong relationship between narrative ability and mathematics learning outcomes. It is also supported by the determinant (R2) which is 0.714, which means that narrative ability contributes 71.4% to mathematics learning outcomes, while 28.6% is the contribution from other factors. It is concluded that narrative ability has a significant relationship to mathematics learning outcomes through project based learning with a positive correlation, meaning that the higher the student's narrative ability, the higher the mathematics learning outcomes with the level of relationship in the perfect correlation category, narrative ability contributes 71.40% to the results. learn mathematics through project based learning, the rest are other factors.