The Effect of Human Resource Competence and Information Technology Utilization and the Role of Internal Audit on the Quality of Local Government Financial Statements. (Case Study the Regional Financial and Asset Management Agency (BPKAD) of Sumbawa Regenc

Competence of Human Resource, Utilization of infomation Technology, role of Internal Audit, Quality of Local Government Financial Statements


  • Tiara Fitri Ramdani Haru Marta Ayah
  • Reza Muhammad Rizqy Universitas Teknologi Sumbawa


Abstract artikel




Cara Mengutip

Haru Marta, T. F. R., & Reza Muhammad Rizqy. (2024). The Effect of Human Resource Competence and Information Technology Utilization and the Role of Internal Audit on the Quality of Local Government Financial Statements. (Case Study the Regional Financial and Asset Management Agency (BPKAD) of Sumbawa Regenc: Competence of Human Resource, Utilization of infomation Technology, role of Internal Audit, Quality of Local Government Financial Statements . Student Conference, 2(5), 447–452. Diambil dari