
  • Asyiah Darmawansyah Universitas Teknologi Sumbawa
  • Yolli Eka Putri Universitas Teknologi Sumbawa
  • Fitriah Permata Citra Universitas Teknologi Sumbawa


Education, Student, Literacy, Narrative


Conflicts in writing skills can be said to occur due to several factors that influence writing skills, one of which is writing or literacy activities and the low application of spelling rules in writing essays. This aspect is very important in narrative writing activities, so that the writing goals can be achieved. So far, students still find it difficult to express their ideas in essays well. Mix methods, also known as combination methods, refer to a research or analysis approach that combines elements of two different methods or approaches. Based on the results of the interview, information was obtained that SDN 4 Utan teachers had been conducting outreach on the school literacy program since 2018. The outreach was carried out in the form of technical guidance (Bimtek) to school principals and elementary school teachers. In addition, the principal guides and assists teachers in implementing literacy programs at school. The results of data analysis, as described above, show that there is a significant relationship between reading literacy and the narrative writing skills of grade 1 students at SD Negeri 4 Utan, Utan District. The results of calculations using the Product Moment Correlation technique show that the Correlation Coefficient (r) value of the reading literacy and narrative writing skill variables is 0.802. From this value, it can be seen that there is a positive relationship of 0.802 between reading literacy and narrative writing skills of grade 1 students at SD Negeri 4 Utan, Utan District, Sumbawa Regency, Academic Year 2022/2023. This is shown by the calculated r value of r table (0.802 0.220). Thus, it can be said that the better a student's reading literacy, the better their skills in writing narratives, and vice versa. Meanwhile, after the calculated r value is consulted with the interpretation guidelines for the correlation coefficient, it can be seen that the close relationship between the two variables is said to be very good.



How to Cite

Darmawansyah, A., Putri, Y. E., & Citra, F. P. (2024). ANALISIS EFEKTIVITAS PROGRAM LITERASI TERHADAP PENINGKATAN KEMAMPUAN MENULIS NARATIF. National Conferences Management Inovation, 7(001, January), 205–212. Retrieved from



Seminar National

