
  • Muhammad Suaidi Universitas Teknologi Sumbawa


Inovasi, entram, rapid test


Corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a pandemic with a high rate of spread
high enough. There are several steps taken by the government in the context of handling the pandemic
Covid-19 starting with the strengthening of the testing and tracing system, to the implementation of activity restrictions
national scale society. The extremely fast rate of spread caused several
service problems in health units in providing testing and tracing services for
people who are suspected of being exposed to COVID-19. Based on this, West Nusa Tenggara as
provinces with industrialization strategic programs in regional development produce innovations
ENTRAM with the aim of supporting the fulfillment of Covid-19 testing and tracing tools in NTB and nationally
generally. This study aims to find out how ENTRAM is implemented in support
tracing system on handling the spread of Covid-19 in NTB and what is the development strategy
and optimizing the role of ENTRAM as a tracing tool in suppressing the spread of Covid-19 in NTB. Type
This research is a descriptive with a qualitative approach. Methods of data collection carried out
by observation, interview, literature study and documentation. The data were analyzed using
the Miles and Huberman models with the help of the SWOT analysis model (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity,
Threats). The results of this study reveal that ENTRAM's role as a regional innovation in
support the testing and tracing system carried out by the NTB Provincial Government in handling
Covid-19 is quite good and significant. This can be seen from the data on the spread of Covid-19 in the Province of West Nusa Tenggara below the national average. Then, the development steps that are most likely carried out by
ENTRAM in this case PT. Hepatika Mataram and the University of Mataram as the two main initiators
is; 1) ENTRAM as a regional mainstay product that has the support of the Head's policy
Regional and Central Government by being used as a testing and tracing tool in handling
Covid-19 must maximize opportunities to enter local and national markets, and 2) There is a business
improvement of the production system by using raw materials from within the country, so that the selling price becomes
more competitive and generate added value for regional products.



How to Cite

Suaidi, M. (2022). NTB-UNRAM (ENTRAM) SEBAGAI INOVASI DAERAH DALAM PEMENUHAN KEBUTUHAN ALAT DETECTOR COVID-19. National Conferences Management Inovation, 3(001, January), 84–89. Retrieved from https://conference.uts.ac.id/index.php/SEMAI/article/view/197



Seminar National

