Inovasi, Musik, Sambava, Media KomunikasiAbstract
This study aims to analyze the function of communication in Sambava music innovation as
cultural means and analyze the constraints of Sambava music innovation as a cultural means. This research
is a descriptive qualitative study focusing on social communication, ritual communication,
expressive communication, and communication through instrumental. Data collection in this study
using observation, documentation, and interviews. The result of this research is the presence of music
Sambava in the perspective of the function of social communication, ritual communication, and instrumental communication
able to produce the latest innovations in the art of music in the region and outside the region. On
research found that the existence of communication through music innovation used by Sambava
has been able to pioneer the development of music in a positive way among the existing good arts community
in Sumbawa and those outside the Sumbawa area, this can be seen in some communities
arts in the area and outside the Sumbawa area, have started to open up to the concept and
his work.