
  • Liyan Fitria Ulfa Liyan Universitas Teknologi Sumbawa


Promotion Mix, UMKM, Chicken Geprek Dwi Wek


There are many ways in which people communicate. For example, direct verbal communication and nonverbal forms of communication such as symbols, pictures, text images, etc. In general, visual communication design media includes a variety of print/digital print media and electronic/audiovisual media. One of the print media is poster design media. In this case promotion through poster design media is very effective in conveying messages, this is evident in almost all roads and especially at intersections near traffic lights, large posters/billboards are displayed, especially when people stop at red lights for a few minutes. , of course they can read the information. promotion and propaganda conveyed through poster media. In this case it is not impossible that promotions on this day tend to be more effective and more quickly accepted by the general public. And this is one way that is often used by many parties, including marketing communications for Ayam Geprek Dwi Wek in increasing sales.

 This study aims to determine the marketing communication process used by Geprek Dwi Wek in increasing sales. which is dissected with the Promotion Mix theory and uses a qualitative research method with a research time not from April to May 2023. The source of this research uses primary data and secondary data through interview techniques, literature and documentation.

 Research results Based on research results it is known that marketing communication activities by Ayam Geprek Dwi Wek to increase sales by the Ayam Geprek Dwi Wek team use a mixed form of marketing communication which according to Terence A., Shimp in Shalicha (2017) in integrated marketing communication (Promotional mix) is a combination of various types of promotional tools carried out to achieve maximum goals such as the use of online media for mass dissemination and the use of personal online media channels such as WhatsApp for promotion, direct selling and publication in the marketing communication process.




How to Cite

Liyan, L. F. U. (2023). KOMUNIKASI PEMASARAN DALAM MENINGKATKAN PENJUALAN AYAM GEPREK DWI WEK. Proceeding Of Student Conference, 1(5), 144–160. Retrieved from http://conference.uts.ac.id/index.php/Student/article/view/664