
  • Putri Retno Ningrum Universitas Teknologi Sumbawa
  • Fahrunnisa Fahrunnisa Universitas Tekknologi Sumbawa


Personal branding, women leaders, social media.


The existence of social media at this time has a strong influence on social change in society. Based on the results of a survey conducted by We Are Social and Hootsuite, the data shows that women's dominance on social media is very high when compared to men. Women are considered active in using social media in everyday life. But this media still exploits women too often with the reporting of certain cases that make women always get discriminated against. But with the existence of social media today not only makes a means of communication in general, it can also be used as a medium to form personal branding. Its characteristics that are fast in spreading messages and have a wide reach can be used as a medium for forming personal branding of someone, especially women leaders. Women's leadership is an interesting polemic to discuss, one of the female leaders who occupy positions in the government is Dewi Noviany as Vice Regent of Sumbawa. The presence of Dewi Noviany is so attractive to researchers because she is a female leader figure who does not escape media shots. So the purpose of this study is to find out the formation of personal branding of Dewi Noviany, Vice Regent of Sumbawa through social media. This research uses qualitative methods that will produce descriptive data. The theory that will be used is the eight concepts of forming Peter Montoya's personal branding and the characteristics of forming McNally & Speak's personal branding. Data collection techniques are carried out using observation and documentation. Then the data analysis technique in this study uses an analysis model from Miles and Huberman. For the validity technique of the data using the theory triangulation technique. The results of the study show that the Personal branding built by Dewi Noviany on Facebook social media is personal branding with a fairly positive image. Personal branding highlighted by Dewi Noviany is three concepts from eight concepts of forming personal branding and fulfilling the three characteristics of McNally & Speak in the stages of forming personal branding.
Keywords: Personal branding, women leaders, social media.




How to Cite

Ningrum, P. R., & Fahrunnisa, F. (2023). PEMBENTUKAN PERSONAL BRANDING PEMIMPIN PEREMPUAN MELALUI MEDIA SOSIAL (STUDI KASUS WAKIL BUPATI SUMBAWA). Proceeding Of Student Conference, 1(5), 213–230. Retrieved from