Proceeding Of Student Conference <p><strong>Student Conference</strong> merupakan simposium karya ilmiah civitas akademika Universitas Teknologi Sumbawa secara multidisiplin, bertujuan untuk merangkum ide dan gagasan yang dituangkan dalam kajian-kajian ilmiah sebagai bentuk kontribusi konseptual bagi perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan.</p> en-US Sun, 21 Jan 2024 05:41:33 +0000 OJS 60 KHATIB'S DAKWAH STRATEGY FOR FRIDAY SERMONS IN INCREASING WORSHIP TO THE COMMUNITY (ANALYSIS OF STRATEGY THEORY STUDY AL-MANHAJ AL-ATHIFI, AL-MANHAJ AL-AQLI, AL-MANHAJ AL-HISSI) <p>This research examines the problem of Friday sermons, because the preaching message delivered by the preacher is not well received by the congregation. The problem that arises is the preacher's delivery method which is less than optimal and the behavior of the congregation which does not reflect them as good recipients of the message. This research method uses a qualitative approach, through interview techniques with 4 preachers, as well as observation and documentation techniques. The results of this research indicate that the preaching communication carried out by preachers in Friday sermons is not optimal. Because his preaching message reaches the congregation effectively. The obstacle in implementing Friday sermons according to the strategy theory of al-manhaj al-athifi, al-manhaj al-aqli, al-manhaj al-hissi is that the preacher does not prepare himself enough before delivering the Friday sermon so that the message conveyed is less effective. The appearance of preachers from various circles really makes the activities of preachers so lively and varied that they don't seem bored and can touch the hearts of the congregation. However, on the other hand, it is not uncommon for personality problems to deviate from an accusation orientation, such as for fame or worldly gain. Moreover, when the preacher's activities have been touched by pop culture and media interests, the preacher should have a religious basis in both Islamic boarding schools and madrassas. There is a tendency in the general public that the profession of preacher is understood as an open profession, meaning that it can be done by anyone. Some people think that preaching is an alternative job or an escape profession, when they are stuck getting another job they choose to become a preacher. Now preachers and those who claim to be preachers are not only born from Islamic boarding school circles, in this case the Islamic boarding school students and kiayi, as well as from institutions, but are also born from various circles, such as politicians, artists, cultural artists, former officials, comedians, and others. etc. <br>Keywords: Da'wah Communication; Friday Sermon; Preacher.</p> Rizky Aji Setyawan, M. Syukron Anshori Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding Of Student Conference Mon, 22 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 MOTIF PERJUDIAN ONLINE (SLOT) DI KALANGAN MASYARAKAT SUMBAWA (STUDI KASUS DESA LABUHAN AJI KEC.TARANO KAB.SUMBAWA BESAR) <p><em>This research aims to find out the motives or driving factors for someone involved in playing online gambling (slots), and also impact of this gambling action is. This reseach uses qualitative methods, using observation, interview, and documentation techniques for the people of Labuhan Aji village. The results of this tesearch state online gambling is growing rapidly through social interactions and also a person’s financial condition, while the impact that is obtained is that is capable of harming society unknowingly an it can even be concluded that online gambling (slot) has absolutely no benefits whatsoever.</em></p> Imam Yuliadi, Heri Ade Pratama Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding Of Student Conference Mon, 22 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 KOMUNIKASI INTERPERSONAL PADA PASANGAN PERNIKAHAN DINI DI DESA KESELET KECAMATAN SAKRA KABUPATEN LOMBOK TIMUR <p>This research aims to determine interpersonal communication in early married couples in Keselet Village, Sakra District, East Lombok Regency. The research method used is a qualitative method. The results of research on interpersonal communication in early marriage couples in Keselet Village, East Lombok Regency, namely quite good openness, high empathy, and supportive attitudes which are endeavored to create effective openness in interpersonal communication in early marriage couples in Keselet Village, Positive Sense (Positivvensess) which is considered good openness, and fair Equality in finding solutions.</p> Vivin Nila Rakhmatullah, Rita Dewi Agustiarini Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding Of Student Conference Mon, 22 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 MAKNA MOTIF HIAS PADA SITUS SARKOFAGUS AI RENUNG BATU TERING DALAM KAJIAN ROLAND BARTHES <p><em>This research examines the meaning of decorative motifs on the sarcophagus site of Ai Renung Batu Tering through the semiotic study of Roland Barthes. The sarcophagus itself is a prehistoric relic, an archaeological artifact, and a cultural heritage originating from Batu Tering with a wealth of decorative motifs that hold diverse and meaningful interpretations at each site. The study adopts semiotics as a theoretical framework to analyze the meaning embedded in the decorative motifs of the Ai Renung Batu Tering sarcophagus site. The research methodology employs qualitative descriptive research, involving the analysis of decorative motifs on the Ai Renung Batu Tering sarcophagus using Roland Barthes' semiotic concepts with variables of denotation, connotation, and myth. The analysis entails identifying visual elements such as carved decorative motifs on the sarcophagus's structure and connecting them with the variables of denotation, connotation, and myth. Additionally, the study includes interviews with experts (sarcophagus site caretakers and cultural department heads) to gain a deeper understanding of the historical, cultural, and symbolic contexts.</em></p> <p><em>The results indicate that the decorative motifs on the Ai Renung Batu Tering sarcophagus hold complex meanings rich in symbols. Roland Barthes' semiotic analysis using the three variables of denotation, connotation, and myth helps reveal the construction of meaning within the motifs and associates them with aspects of values such as norms, culture, education, religion, struggle, and heritage. This research contributes to a deeper understanding of artistic expression and cultural values found at the Ai Renung Batu Tering sarcophagus site. Furthermore, the study unveils nuanced insights into decorative motifs, highlighting the interplay of denotative representation, connotative interpretation, and mythological layers</em></p> aka kurnia, Santi Fadillah, Aswar Tahir Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding Of Student Conference Mon, 22 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 POLA KOMUNIKASI ANTARA GURU BK DAN MURID DALAM MENYAMPAIKAN PENDIDIKAN SEKS BAGI REMAJA (Studi kasus: SMPN 1 Labuhan Badas) <p><em>Today's dating teens, to our knowledge, think it's normal to have sex without getting married. Today, more and more students are engaging in unrestricted sex without considering the consequences of their behavior. when their behavior blatantly deviates from accepted social norms. In preventing the occurrence of free sex behavior in adolescents, BK teachers play an active role in this prevention, forming communication patterns to students so that they can be understood and provide an approach to each student. From this point of view, researchers are encouraged to seek information about the way Communication Patterns Between BK Teachers and Students in Delivering Sex Education for Adolescents Qualitative descriptive methodology was used in this study. The purpose of a descriptive qualitative approach is to investigate, develop, or explain an underlying sense or meaning of reality. The work of researchers is based on actual reality or events in the area. By collecting extensive data, qualitative research seeks to provide a thorough explanation of events using interviews, documentation and observation techniques. The communication pattern formed by these two words can be understood as a format or framework for delivering messages. The purpose of this communication pattern is to foster a positive working relationship between students and BK teachers. Therefore, the development of Guru BK's communication pattern is no less important for the success of the relationship. Saleha, S.Pd., a BK teacher, uses the traditional guidance (counseling) paradigm in dealing with her students. Teachers of BK SMP Negeri 1 Labuhan Badas use various communication techniques in addition to counseling and socialization. In addition, using media as a medium for delivering information, such as caricature media, can make it easier for students to understand the message contained in it.</em></p> abbyzar aggasi, Siti Wiranti Kusumawardani Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding Of Student Conference Mon, 22 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A KOMUNIKASI ORGANISASI DALAM PELAKSANAAN PROGRAM KERJA KWARTIR CABANG GERAKAN SUMBAWA <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaiama Efektifitas dan keberlangsungan komunikasi yang terjalin di dalam Organisasi Gerakan Pramuka Cabang Sumbawa. Hasil penelitian ini diperoleh bahwa Komunikasi yang berlangsung di dalam Organisasi Gerakan Pramuka Cabang sumbawa belum berlangsung sebagai mana mestinya atau dapa di sampaikan bahwa Komunikasi yang terjadi tidak Efektif.<br />Dalam penelitian ini juga memberikan kuisioner kepada 24 perwakilan ranting yang terdapat di seluruh kecamatan yang ada di kabupaten sumbawa.</p> Topan Iman, Alvia Arny Hidayah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding Of Student Conference Mon, 22 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 REPRESENTASI IDENTITAS GENDER DALAM FILM PENDEK “CINTA YANG DI RAHASIAKAN” (ANALISIS WACANA KRITIS THEO VAN LEEUWEN) <p>This research explores the representation of gender identity in the short film "Hidden Love" using Theo Van Leeuwen's critical discourse analysis approach. The main objective is to identify and analyze how gender identity is represented through seven elements: actions, attitudes, actors, representations, time, resources, and space within the context of the film. The existence of this film aims to advocate for the recognition of the LGBTQ+ community, urging both society and the government to acknowledge their struggles. The argument put forth is that homosexuality may be inherent, emphasizing that their gay identity is undeniable. This stance underscores the need for heterosexual individuals to accept and recognize their existence. The research findings reveal that the gay community seeks to present their identity through film, enabling audiences and society to comprehend their struggles and eliminate the necessity for them to hide behind masks to conceal their identities. However, the study also indicates that the efforts made by the gay community, even in mainstream media such as film, do not guarantee universal acceptance. The research hopes to provide profound insights into how the film "Hidden Love" constructs and communicates gender identity.</p> Eri Sofiatry, Dewi Anggita i Cahyan Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding Of Student Conference Mon, 22 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 ANALISIS PERATURAN DESA NOMOR 29 TAHUN 2021 TENTANG DESA LAYAK ANAK DI DESA POTO KECAMATAN MOYO HILIR <p>ABSTRACT<br>This reseach aims to be abkle to carry out an analysis of child-friendly village regulations and what are the<br>inhibiting factors that influence te implementation of the child-friendly village program that has been estabilished in<br>Poto village. In this research itself qualitative methods are used, where data collection uses three strages, namely,<br>observation, interviews, and documentation as reinforcement. The result obtained is knowing the tthee-stage<br>evaluation process which includes, input, process, output. As for obstacles he faced in this process, namely<br>psychological an economic obstacles<br>Keywords: Child-friendly Villaage, Economics, Evaluation, Input, Output, Process, Psychology.</p> Leni, Roro Utami Septi Wijaya Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding Of Student Conference Mon, 22 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 ANALISIS SEMIOTIKA MACHIAVELLIANISME KARAKTER LIGHT YAGAMI DALAM ANIME DEATH NOTE <p><em>The Death Note anime is a Japanese shonen manga series written by Tsugumi Ohba, a Japanese mangaka, which tells the story of Light Yagami, a genius teenager who finds a mysterious notebook called the Death Note. In the series, the book is owned by the god of death or shinigami named Ryuk and has the supernatural ability to kill anyone when a name is written in the book. This series centers on Light's efforts to change the world into a crime- free utopia by disguising himself as the god of justice named Kira through the Death Note. This research was conducted to analyze the Machiavellian personality of the character Light Yagami through a modern semiotic model called Roland Barthes which uses a sign. Roland Barthes's semiotics prioritizes three pillars of thought, namely denotative, connotative and myth as the basis of his analysis. The solution to the problem solving method used in this research is the listening and note-taking method, as well as literature study.</em></p> abbyzar aggasi, Fatasya Haniah Putri Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding Of Student Conference Mon, 22 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 STRATEGI KOMUNIKASI POLITIK CALEG PARTAI PAN DALAM MENJALIN HUBUNGAN DENGAN KONSTITUEN DI KABUPATEN SUMBAWA BESAR <p>This research aims to analyze the political communication strategies of legislative candidates in building relationships with constituents used by candidates from the National Mandate Party during their campaigns. The method used is qualitative descriptive with a focus on a case study. Data was collected through in-depth interviews with the candidates, direct observation of campaign activities, and analysis of campaign materials distributed both through social media and directly to the public.The research results revealed that The research results revealed that strategies emphasizing direct interaction with constituents, such as those applied by informant 1 Ida Rahayu, proved to be highly effective in establishing profound relationships through direct interaction. Through this approach, Ida Rahayu was able to gain a deeper understanding of the needs, aspirations, and issues faced by constituents, thus being trusted as a representative of the community in the political arena.On the other hand, strategies relying more on technology and social media, as implemented by informant 2 Achmad Fachry, demonstrated advantages in reaching a wider constituency. This approach facilitated Achmad Fachry to engage with voters on a broader scale, creating public space, and mobilizing support from various groups. However, each strategy inevitably possesses its own strengths and weaknesses."I hope this translation is helpful! If you need further assistance or modifications, feel free to let me know.</p> abbyzar aggasi, Tri Faezatunnisa Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding Of Student Conference Mon, 22 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 ANALISIS STANDAR PELAYANAN PUBLIK BIDANG KESEHATAN DIPUSKESMAS ALAS BARAT <p>ABSTRACT<br>This journal aims to analyze service standars at alas barat health centers. Living well and being comfortable in<br>activities is everyone´s wish and desire. Health is an asset for economic and social stability. Good quality health<br>can prolong life, also reduce the death rate and increase productivity. The reasearch method used is qualitative by<br>collecting data through interviews, documntation, and observation. The service standars at the alas barat<br>community health center are running well seen from 5 indicators, namely, reöoability, responsivess, confidence, empathy, and tanglibilty and the absence of significant obstacles<br>Keywords : Analysis, Service Standards, Public service, Health sector, alas barat health cente</p> Leni, Muhammad Nur Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding Of Student Conference Mon, 22 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 REPRESENTASI KETAHANAN PANGAN DALAM FILM DOKUMENTER “LIMA PARE” (ANALISIS FRAMING MODEL ROBERT N. ENTMAN). <p>This research explores food security within the Baduy tribe, framed through the documentary film "Lima Pare." The research questionaddresses how the documentary film "Lima Pare" portrays/frames food security in the Baduy tribe, as analyzed through Robert N. Entman's framing analysis. The study aims to analyze how food security in the documentary film "Lima Pare" is depicted or framed based on Robert N. Entman's framing analysis. The research utilizes the textual analysis of media framing, employing Robert N. Entman's model with four analytical elements: Define Problem, Diagnoses Causes, Make Moral Judgement, and Treatment Recommendation. The research adopts a constructivist approach.The findings indicate that the film "Lima Pare" features scenes representing food security in accordance with the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 18 of 2012. Analyzing through Robert N. Entman's framing, it is evident that, through traditional farming practices and natural resource management, the Baduy tribe has efficiently created a food system. Farming for them is not just a regular agricultural activity or a means to fulfill physical needs but is also a form of worship. The proposed solution to maintaining food security involves preserving local wisdom, particularly the leuit system (granary).</p> <p>Recommendations for future research include further developing this study for a deeper understanding. Thus, future findings can be more comprehensive, especially within the context of food security in the Baduy tribe</p> aka kurnia, Muhammad Farhan Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding Of Student Conference Mon, 22 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 ANALISIS KUALITAS PELAYANAN TERPADU SATU PINTU DI KANTOR KECAMATAN SUMBAWA TAHUN 2022 <p><em>This research aims to find out how service quality and the factors that influence service quality at the Sumbawa District Office from an internal and external perspective. Reseacrh uses qualitative methods, using samples of employees and the community. Data collection techniques and informants by conducting direct interviews, observation, documentation and data analysis. The results of this research werw abtaine, that the quality of service at the Sumbawa District Office is quite good in serving the community even thoungh it is hampered by online or web-based information services. Meanwhile, the factors that influence service are information systems, human resources, facilities and infrastructure, as well as goverment regulations or policies.</em></p> <p><em>In this research, we also recorder data about the existing facilities at tha Sumbawa Sub-district office which are able to support the delivery of quality service for the general public&nbsp; or those with disabilities who can be served well and comfortably.</em></p> Aldi Apriansyah, Resha Arya Nanda Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding Of Student Conference Mon, 22 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 STRATEGI PEMERINTAH DESA BATU TERING DALAM PEMBINAAN DAN PEMBERDAYAAN MASYARAKAT DESA TAHUN 2022-2023 <p>Guidance and empowerment are efforts to help the growth of economic development so that the quality of society <br>becomes better and more independent. Currently, Batu Tering Village is experiencing problems with the lack of <br>awareness and participation of the Delsa community, the lack of access to capital and technology and the <br>limitations of human resources, both in terms of funds and human resources and also the budget allocated for <br>community development and empowerment by the village government which has been stated in RPJMDes, RKPDes <br>and APBDes. Therefore, it is necessary to know to what extent the village government's strategy is to improve this <br>problem with coaching and empowerment efforts. This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods and <br>types. Through research results, the strategy implemented by the Batu Tering Village Government in coaching and <br>empowering has been carried out well and effectively for the community. This can be seen from the programs <br>implemented that always involve the community and prioritize community empowerment, so that currently Batu <br>Tering Village has been designated as an Independent Village (a village that prioritizes community participation <br>and independence in managing local resources and improving welfare) and an Inclusive Village (Concept village <br>development which aims to encourage diversity and social involvement among all its residents). However, there are <br>several obstacles faced by the Village Government, namely the road infrastructure to Batu Tering Village which is still damaged so it is difficult for visitors and tourists to access it, and there is also a lot of village potential that <br>could be utilized for community empowerment but the budget is not yet adequate.<br><br></p> Dedi Dedi Supriadi, Dewi Setiawati Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding Of Student Conference Mon, 22 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 KOMUNIKASI INTERPERSONAL DOKTER DAN PASIEN LANSIA DI PUSKESMAS MOYO UTARA <p>One application of interpersonal communication is that health communication is communication that occurs between health practitioners and patients, for example communication between doctors and elderly patients. One place where interpersonal communication can be established between health practitioners and elderly patients is at the Community Health Center, one of which is the North Moyo Community Health Center. Based on pre-research data, there is still a lot of miscommunication that occurs in interpersonal communication between doctors and elderly patients that occurs at this Community Health Center which is caused by language factors and lack of hearing in the elderly patients themselves. This study aims to determine interpersonal communication between doctors and elderly patients at the North Moyo Community Health Center. The method used in this research is a descriptive qualitative method with data collection techniques in the form of observation and interviews. The results of this research are that interpersonal communication between doctors and elderly patients shows openness, empathy, positive attitudes, equality and supportive attitudes.</p> Topan Iman, Hidya Awalya Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding Of Student Conference Mon, 22 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 MOTIVASI PENGGUNA SITUS JUDI ONLINE TERHADAP PEMENUHAN KEBUTUHAN PENGGUNA, STUDI KASUS: PADA KALANGAN MASYARAKAT DI KOTA SURABAYA <p><em>Gambling is an act of risking money or something of value, on an event with an uncertain outcome and intending to win more money or something of value than what is wagered. Current developments in information and technology facilitate the development of forms of gambling games such as internet or online gambling, mobile phone gambling and interactive telephone gambling. Qualitative research aims to understand an event from the perspective of the participants. The type of research that the author chose is descriptive research. Descriptive research can study a topic in more depth to describe a phenomenon or event that occurs in society. Descriptive research can also provide and describe all forms of information and facts systematically and accurately. Environment and style Life tends to be the main motivation for people to carry out gambling practices. With advances in technology and all the conveniences offered as an effect of these technological advances, poor people will more easily fall into deviance and even violate the law. Observation results show that internet cafes and coffee shops/gathering places are places that are often used by some people to gamble online. It can be concluded that most people choose to take part in activities that are considered deviant, namely online gambling, because of their financial needs. fulfill it by participating in these activities. Even though online gambling activities are generally considered illegal, these online gamblers choose to ignore applicable legal norms, believing that the financial benefits and inner satisfaction they obtain motivate them to continue playing.</em></p> abbyzar aggasi, Rahmadi Ahad Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding Of Student Conference Mon, 22 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 PENGEMBANGAN KAPASITAS KELEMBAGAAN PEMERINTAH DAERAH DALAM MENINGKATKAN KUALITAS PELAYANAN PERIZINAN TERPADU TAHUN 2022 <p>ABSTRACT<br>Institutional capacity development plays an important role in various aspects of existence, one of which is in<br>the realm of government institutions. Capacity building is very important to increase the efficiency and efficacy of<br>officers in carrying out their responsibilities as civil servants. In addition, government policy regulations and<br>deregulation have the potential to hamper the operational performance of organizations in providing their public<br>services. Capacity development is an effort intended to develop a variety of strategies to increase the usability,<br>effectiveness, quality of services and responses to government performance as well as improving the ability of a<br>person, an organization or a system to achieve the desired goals in terms of time and resources, business feasibility<br>and the response is how to synchronize needs and capabilities for that purpose. This research aims to find out how<br>regional government institutional capacity is developing in improving the quality of integrated services in 2022 at the</p> <p>Sumbawa Regency Investment and One-Stop Integrated Services Service and what factors influence capacity<br>development in DPMPTSP Kab. Sumbawa. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method which describes a<br>situation, an object or an event without drawing a general conclusion. Data collection techniques were carried out<br>using observation, interviews and documentation. The results of this research indicate that institutional capacity<br>development in DPMPTSP Kab. Sumbawa can be said to be in good shape judging from the programs that have been<br>carried out starting from increasing human resources, apparatus discipline, organizational strengthening and<br>improving facilities and infrastructure. Although there are still complaints regarding a lack of understanding of the<br>service flow and use of the OSS application. The factors that influence the development of institutional capacity at<br>DPMPTSP Kab. Sumbawa includes supporting factors and inhibiting factors. Supporting factors are leadership and<br>shared commitment. Inhibiting factors are budget capacity and regulatory inconsistencies.<br>Keywords: Capacity Development, Institutions, Public Service</p> Leni, Handri Waldani Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding Of Student Conference Mon, 22 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 KEBIJAKAN POLRES SUMBAWA DALAM MENANGANI KENAKALAN REMAJA DI KABUPATEN SUMBAWA 2021 <p>This research discusses the role of the police in overcoming juvenile delinquency in sumbawa 2021. The background of this reserch is the increasing prevalince of criminal acts committed by teenagrs.the raises concerns from varius parties and from the community itself if this is allowed. The development of the times is also fair in the behavior of today’s teenagres. Many teenagers have fave fallen into. Acts that are against the law as a result of keeping up with the times. Also sociological,economic,and environmental factors can also influence the development of adolescents. This writing was carried out by conducting field interviews with polres personnel related to the titlein order to complete the this writer.</p> Dedi Dedi Supriadi, Andri Puspitasari Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding Of Student Conference Mon, 22 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 MAKNA SIMBOLIK DALAM TRADISI TURIN TANA PADA BUDAYA SAMAWA DI DESA MARENTE KABUPATEN SUMBAWA <p>Indonesia telah melahirkan beragam kebudaya dan tradisi, peran masyarakat yaitu melestarikan dan mempertahankan kebudayaan yang berasal dari nenek moyang. Salah satu tradisi yang berada di desa Marente Kabupaten Sumbawa yaitu tradisi <em>Turin Tana</em>. Upacara ini merupakan suklus kelahiran, dilakukan pada anak yang berusia tujuh hari, untuk memperkenalkan dan menampakkan kaki bayi yang pertama kalinya pada tanah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui etnografi komunikasi dan makna yang tekandung dari simbol dalam pelaksanaan tradisi <em>turin tana</em> di desa Marente Kabupaten Sumbawa. Menyadari bahwa ritual sebagai salah satu cara dalam berkomunikasi. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data yaitu observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa makna yang terkandung dari symbol dalam prosesi <em>turin tana</em> yaitu loto kuning( beras kuning, loto lege (beras ketan), lotobiasa ( beras biasa), nyeruda ( kelap amuda), nyer uda ( kelap atua), kipping dan bete ( makanan khas sumbawa), gula mira ( gula merah), ramat ( jala), benang kejarum ( benang dan jarum), kere putih (kain putih)</p> Aka Kurnia, Sulung Wahyu Nengsi Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding Of Student Conference Mon, 22 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 PENDIDIKAN POLITIK PARTAI KEADILAN SEJAHTERA DI KABUPATEN SUMBAWA MENJELANG PEMILIHAN LEGISLATIF TAHUN 2024 <p><em>abstract : This research provides an in-depth analysis of "Political Education of the Prosperous Justice Party in Sumbawa Regency Approaching the Legislative Election of 2024" using qualitative research methods. Through in-depth interviews with relevant informants, surveys, and data analysis, the study aims to comprehensively understand the practices of political education conducted by the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS). The research findings indicate that PKS in Sumbawa Regency recognizes the importance of political education as an integral part of preparing for the 2024 Legislative Election. The party not only plays a role as a political participant but also as an agent of political education contributing significantly to the local community's political understanding. PKS's commitment to normative values such as Pancasila and Unity in Diversity is central to shaping the party's political identity. The main challenges are encountered in efforts to change public perceptions of the party's political identity and respond to resistance to the changes in political values advocated by the party. Inhibiting factors, including inconsistent regulatory complexities, resistance to changes in values, shifts in perceptions of political identity, and differences in understanding local culture, are also identified as elements influencing the dynamics of PKS's political education. This research provides a profound understanding of PKS's political education practices and highlights challenges to be addressed to strengthen the party's political identity approaching the 2024 Legislative Election, with a specific emphasis on qualitative research methods as the analytical approach.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> Political Education; PKS Sumbawa; 2024 Legislative Election.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Leni, Rahmat Hidayat Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding Of Student Conference Mon, 22 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000