
  • Padli Raja Pakpahan
  • Rudi Masniadi


Sektor Unggulan,Tipollolgi Klasseln


Sectoral economic planning in order to increase regional income and lead to a more comprehensive economic growth of Sumbawa Regency is very important to do. The purpose of this study is to find out what economic sectors are the leading sectors in the economic structure of Sumbawa Regency. This type of research is descriptive, using data collection techniques with the documentation method. The data used are secondary data in the form of quantitative data, including Sumbawa Regency GRDP (economic sector based on constant prices), NTB Province GRDP (economic sector based on constant prices), and other data as needed in this study. The amount of data used is adjusted to the time span of this research analysis, namely data in the last five years (2017 to 2021). The analytical tool used is Klassen Typology. The results of this study are: 1) Quadrant I is referred to as the Prime Sector, which is a fast-growing and fast-growing sector, including: Agriculture, forestry and fisheries; Procurement of electricity and gas; Wholesale and retail trade, repair of cars and motorcycles; and company services; 2) Quadrant II is referred to as Potential Sector, which is a developed but depressed sector, including: Construction; financial and insurance services; Mandatory government administration, defense and social security; and education services; 3) Quadrant III is referred to as Developing Sector, among others: Mining and expansion; industrial processing; Transportation and warehousing; Provision of accommodation and food and drink; and Real estate; 4) Quadrant IV is referred to as the Underdeveloped Sector, which is a relatively lagging economic sector, including: Water supply, waste management, waste and recycling; Information and communication; Health services and social activities; and other services.



How to Cite

Padli Raja Pakpahan, & Rudi Masniadi. (2023). SEKTOR UNGGULAN PEREKONOMIAN KABUPATEN SUMBAWA : (ANALISIS TOPOLOGI KLASSEN). Proceeding Of Student Conference, 1(4), 90–100. Retrieved from