Gaya Komunikasi, Prostitusi Online, Aplikasi MiChatAbstract
This study contains the Communication Style of Michat Application Users in Online Prostitution Transactions. MiChat is a matchmaking application that has a pretty good rating of up to 3,401. The emergence of MiChat, which is still relatively new, has caught the attention of the public because it is often referred to as an application for online prostitution. The purpose of this research is to find out and analyze the communication style of MiChat application users in online prostitution transactions. The research focus in this thesis includes: The Controlling Style, The Equalitarian Style, The Structuring Style, The Dynamic Style, The Relinguishing Style, and The Withdrawal Style. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method, namely to describe in a systematic, factual and accurate manner the facts and characteristics of the communication style of MiChat application users in the city of Sumbawa Besar. In this study, researchers used the snowball sampling technique, where research informants were obtained in the field based on information obtained by other informants. The data in this study were obtained through observation and in-depth interviews with service users and service providers. The results of this study are that in communication between service providers and service users only use the communication style The Controlling Style, namely the style with the intention of persuading others, The Equalitarian Style, namely the style of stimulating others, The Structuring Style, the style with the intention of scheduling and The Relinguishing Style, the communication style used to end a conversation.